– Hi!
– Hello there!
– Who are you? You look familiar.
– I am you. Yes, you are right again
– You sound like my intuition
– That’s because I am your intuition
– What?
– Yes, I come by to remind myself how it all started and to encourage you
– How it all started? What all?
– Well, this. The moment when you start becoming who you are now.
– And is it good? Do my kids have a good life?
– Look at you, first face to face conversation with his future self and he thinks about his kids.
– Well yes, they are my future
– Don’t get corny. Yes, your kids have a great life but you need to do stuff in order to get there.
– But…

Mihai Dragomirescu
UrbanKID Paps
– Yes, you already did it. That’s why I am here: to say thanks!
– But what did I do?
– You will see
– Come’on!
– First you realised that you need to spend more time with your kids and the first step was quitting your day job.
– Yes, that still feels amazing.
– Well, it gets better. It gets better when you actually start being present for your kids. Everything you’ve done so far was based on intuition *grin*. But from now on, can you imagine how strong it would be as it’s based on hands-on experience with your kids, the kids that chose you as a parent.
– Fuuuuu…..TELL ME MORE
– Well, your kids will grow, they will grow loving you and Dana and being truly loved by you guys.
– But how will I be able to provide for their needs?
– This care and presence will help you help UrbanKID grow too. It will grow so big you won’t believe that it started like a small parenting blog.
You will put everything you learned so far together, all the connections — and you will come up with some wonderful experiences for families and kids. Online and offline. In Romania and abroad. That’s why you are writing this in English. For adults, couples, partners, parents, babies and kids. And grandfathers and grandmothers, aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters. Basically, your niche has grown tenfold.

Like you had the UrbanKID Playdates where you managed to get together amazing facilitators to demo their stuff to kids and parents in one day events, you will manage to do this at a much bigger scale.
And for content, you will get people interested in participating, in contributing to grow this project because, yes, you were right – it should be an open project – with the a larger mission – to put everything together for as many parents as possible.
You ask yourself how these people will be interested in contributing without generating something for themselves. Well, they will. The value that they will build will build back in sponsorships and the big chunk of that will go directly to them. Like Magic Parenting started.
For example – take your first project – Wonder Tipi. Yes, the one you were thinking about during shower. Ioana will help you build a beautiful Tipi in your backyard. A Tipi that will be an experience generator for your kids and their friends. Events will be held in Wonder Tipi and kids will be gifted with wonderful memories from there. And you will find a couple brands that will want to colour that Tipi, to buy 1 sqm of it’s external and internal surface to display an inspirational message for kids, a principle (Wonder, R.J. Palacio). Think tea brands, musical instruments brands and the likes. The kind of brands that will create experiences in there.
Yeah, so hit publish and go play with your kids. They need you …or better said, they will enjoy your presence. You need to be in their energy.
Oh and that birch tree didgeridoo – you will get it sooner than you think – so better start exercising your breath.
– Wait, will you be back?
– Always! Let people subscribe bellow so they know when the story continues.